

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 05:40:54 +0800, Kanny Yu wrote>
Hi Afra
Sorry for my late reply। I have four or five more good G7 students,> I'm just wondering if they can join now?> > Yes, it's a good idea to continue our topic about people। Could we > talk about family this time? Both letter and voice files? Then > maybe next we could talk about the special people those who repect,> admire? Maybe their idol or role model? (describe their > appearances)?> > I really love this project and hope we could continue to the next > year. I'm planning to implement it to be our ECA (extra curriculum > activities) next year. Then we could have a better certain time to > gather the students to do all these after school. What do you > think?> > Looking forward to meeting you during the summer to have a detailed discussion.> > Kanny

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Kanny:
    好!我會在這幾天寄出我排好的新學年規劃日期及學生信件討論主題,就依你說的內容..錄音跟信件一起,我在想如果你已經會使用ftp,那我們是否將學生信件與錄音檔都放ftp上,並標上日期寄信提醒對方檔案已放好,這樣可以嗎? 我會請學生這幾天寫好有關家人的信件及錄音!! 很高興你這麼肯定這樣的交流,如果你要規畫下學期計畫,需要哪些資料再告訴我,我可以協助^_^ Afra
